#FoodforThought : Don’t Take Things Personally

Here is some food for thought.

“Don’t take things personally” .

We are part of a bigger picture with very many moving parts & variables.

The out come of our life will depend on the path we choose to take, the boldness of standing for what we know as truth & the terms of our predestination.

Be kind to yourself, forgive yourself & others for making conclusive judgements based on limited information.

Choose to find joy in the little things 🦅❤️🦅


Hello, Eagles. How is everybody doing? I hope you’re doing well. It’s Mother Eagle here. Today, I was thinking about life in general, as usual. I was thinking about how we take things personally; you know? I got a revelation. More like an ah-ha moment that we are living … Life is big. So many moving parts. We have the creator, God, doing his things, managing all of us. Several billions of us. There are so many moving parts that have to work in order for us to do life, and do life successfully, right?

It reminded me of the vice whereby you know the plans they have for you. They are good. They are for you to prosper; you know? Seek joy in everything. Always think on only the good things, meaning the plan is good. Even the things we may perceive that are not good, they are good because they are part of the bigger picture. You are part of the puzzle. Your neighbor is part of the puzzle. Someone in another country is also part of that puzzle. The animals, the weather. Everything is part of the puzzle.

When we take things personally, we are really hurting ourselves because, for example, you’re talking to a friend or a colleague and they tell you things from their lens, through their life experience. Maybe they say something that’s offensive to you, maybe based on your culture and based on the lens. Your lens is totally different from their lens. So you get to this place of misunderstanding, and yet, if only you don’t take things personally. You allow them to be, whether they’re good or bad. Be neutral. They are what they are. Those that need to get resolved will resolve, and God will show you your path. Your path that you need to follow to get where you have to go.

In this video, I’m encouraging you, as you interact and go by your business, whether you’re on social media, with your friends and family … Try to practice not taking things personally. Whatever they say. Don’t carry the world’s burdens on your shoulder. Take care of yourself first. Do the best you can with what you’ve got, but you don’t have to carry the world because it’s a big picture. It’s a big system. It’s a big puzzle, which the Almighty is taking care of and you are just part of it. If He gives you a duty, whether it’s part of your passion, your vision, a goal you have to accomplish, it’s up to you to accomplish that, but without feeling overburdened, like you’re here to save the world.

You necessarily don’t have to do that because you get overwhelmed with the number of problems that are wrong. You don’t have to save the world. Just save yourself. In that process of saving yourself and finding the best place where you fit and where you solve the most, you will naturally end up saving others and helping others because you’re the light. The light is oozing through you, and then people will be able to get ignited and catalyzed by your light and they’ll find their own light and go on their own merry way with growth and transformation by just observing you.

You are the testimony. It’s funny because we need to work harder on ourselves than anything else. It’s easier to be pointing fingers, which is not necessary. Point the fingers back to you. Do the work, whether it’s changing yourself, growing yourself in a certain area, whether it’s skill. Whatever you choose to do. As you do it, make sure you don’t take things personally. Everyone will be just fine. Everything is in the right place at the right time. It’s all divine timing, right? Go on your merry way. You don’t have to take things personally. Things have already been all set. Predestined for life. Again, this is Mother Eagle. Talk to you soon. Bye.

You can also read this article here: https://bit.ly/2SVLwVA

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